To teach the mind and guide the soul through a deeper understanding of God the Creator and His world.
College & Career Advising
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Carolina Christian School offers assistance and regular guidance to all middle school and high school students. The advisor seeks to provide an appropriate balance of new challenge and necessary support to promote our student growth in the areas of ACADEMIC PREPAREDNESS, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, AND CHRISTIAN FAITH.
The student/advisor working relationship begins as early as Grade 6 with classroom advising lessons presented in manageable monthly sessions with follow up activities to reinforce each training topic. Regular interaction with middle school students increases the likelihood for a successful transition to high school, and readiness to do high-level, college preparatory work.
Once CCS students enter high school, they receive regular guidance from the Office of College & Career Advising through a combination of grade level meetings/workshops and lengthy, individual meetings. The college advising program at Carolina Christian School is an important, individualized process that starts at the beginning of Grade 9 and continues through the end of the Senior year. It is essential for both students and parents to partner with the advising office as the journey to navigate the competitive and complicated college search begins. High school students and families are given the tools, timelines, and specific instructions to research, prepare, visit, evaluate, and apply to colleges and universities across the country. Focus from the Office of College & Career Advising is directed at helping students find the college or university that BEST FITS them. Recognizing each student’s uniqueness and gifting is essential to being able to discern strengths and weaknesses. It also helps reveal areas for investigation to which God may be calling them.
Learn organizational and planning skills necessary for high school, college, work, and family life success.
Have access to resources for academic support when needed.
Be encouraged to start early and prepare regularly for standardized college admissions tests and will have opportunities in Grades 9, 10 and 11 to take PreACT and PSAT examinations on our campus.
Track activities, honors, volunteer work, and work experiences through an annual high school resume assignment.
Create a college or “My Future” file to serve as a storage place for all things relevant to the future (college, scholarships, career investigation, network contacts, test results, honors & awards, etc.) This gives students a sense of ownership for their futures.
Meet multiple times in group meetings with the College and Career Advisor for discussions or workshops on topics such as “How to Navigate a College Fair” or “How to Conduct a Successful College Visit”.
Meet 1-2 times per year for required one-on-one advising meetings, and as needed for specific student questions or concerns beyond required sessions.
Have unlimited access and use of SCOIR (a complete college research, planning, and application portal) with the means to create user profiles, investigate career interests, follow colleges, and track documents and to-do’s in the application process.
Receive invitation to 2 Charlotte-based college fairs per year.